www.HairNations.com uses the “no follow” tag for all paid links. www.HairNations.com targets buyers, sellers, salons, spas, barbershops, consumers, beauty suppliers, business owners, investors, Internet entrepreneurs, and interested consumers. There are 3 categories for placing an advertisement on www.HairNations.com website:
1. Editorial Post/ Business Review Post
2. 125×125 Banner Ad
3. 300x 250 Banner Ad
Editorial Post/ Business Review Post
We will gladly create a 400 words editorial post of your business, service or book and submit same to the major search engines plus 10 of the most popular social networking and social bookmarking websites.
Price: $250.00
Banner Ad (125 x 125) Placement
Our banner Ad link is a 125×125 banner that is located to the right sidebar so readers can easily see them. These banner ads appear on every page of our blog under “Banner Ad”. Banner Ad button are randomized to give each advertisers even exposure.
Prices: $90.00 per month.
Banner Ad (300×250) Placement
Our banner Ad link is a 300×250 banner ad appears on every page of our blog under “Banner Ad”. Banner Ad button are randomized to give each advertisers even exposure.
Prices: $250 per month.
Currently, only 6 spots are available for now. The banner can not be larger than 15K in size. Animation or flash is not allowed. If you’re interested in securing your banner ad.
Email us at admin {at} hairnations {dot} com with your attach banner information.
Your email subject MUST say “www.HairNations.com 125×125 Banner Ad”. Email submitted prior to payment will be treated as SPAM!
To track traffic from our site to yours, we recommend Google's Analytics Tracking Code.
To submit your banner etc, your email subject MUST say “www.Hairnations.com Ad”. Email us at admin {at} hairnations {dot} com with your attached “post, banner, or book review.” Documents submitted without payment will be treated as SPAM and deleted!